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Frequently Asked



Here are a few, but I'm writing more answers now.

Check back soon.

Or fill out the contact form with your question.

Q. What do you charge?


A. The simple answer is, I'm flexible. If you read through the My Flexibility section on this site, you'll get a much better understanding of what I mean by that.

No matter what, my rates will be more than fair relative to my level of experience. Everything will depend on the nature of the work, and what specifically will be required of me. I am very reasonable. I am not looking to empty your pockets. I want you to be happy with my service and the quality of my work, as well as the numbers on my invoices. My goal is to have you call me again the next time you need communications help.

20 years ago, my highly-respected design communications firm charged hourly rates for our various offerings in the range of $100-$150 per hour. Again, that was 20 years ago! I'm not sure what that range would translate to today, but I do know that my rates to you in 2019/2020 will be far below that range. Far below!

So there you have a reference point. Let's chat. We'll work it out. I'm flexible.

Q. What is your writing style?


A. My style varies depending on the medium for which I am writing and the audience to whom I am speaking. Generally, I tend to be conversational with my written words. Even when creating a technical or instructional piece, I try to add a touch of warmth, a bit of human emotion or friendly understanding in the otherwise cold, bland, monotonic message. It can help the reader keep interest in the material and as a result, better retain and comprehend the myriad of complex points which are being presented. I try to hold their proverbial hand along the way.

As for other types of work, like advertising, editorial, blogging, books, etc., my approach is to make you, the reader, feel like I'm telling the story directly to you, face to face, in a more casual setting. When I write corporate copy, say for an annual report, human resources brochure or employee benefits hand-outs, I do so accordingly. I understand when to be sure my tie-knot is pulled up tight and what types of work fits better into Casual Fridays.

Q. Are you available to meet in person?


A. If it makes sense, absolutely. However, I am based in the Frederick, MD-Washington, D.C. area so if you're in Outer Mongolia or Papua New Guinea, it might be a little difficult for me. The good thing is this new internet thingy allows us to communicate pretty much from anywhere to anywhere.


Frankly, I would much rather meet in person if at all possible...and feasible. If you're somewhere in my neighborhood, I'd be happy to come to you. If not, we can talk by phone and connect online. We can Skype, FaceTime, or just converse with no video images if you'd rather not see my ugly face. (I wouldn't blame you if you chose the latter.) If your location is easily accessible and there is enough in your budget, I'll travel to just about anywhere ISIS doesn't hang out. The Hollywood Hills would me nice. Syria or pretty much anywhere in the Middle East, not so much.

Q. When will your new book be released?


A. I'm in the final editing stages now. You can pre-order here at the bottom of that page. And, though I am ready to self-publish if necessary, obviously finding a well-established and proven publisher who might take that major league task off my hands would be a far more ideal choice. If you happen to be one, call me!  (Yes, okay, this answer was a little self-serving.)

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